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Introducing our new study club

The College is very pleased to inform you that from the week commencing 21st September, a weekly Study Club will be launched for individual year groups. The club takes place every day after College from 3:10pm to 4:10pm (2.45pm to 3.45pm on Tuesdays), in the following locations:

Year group Study Club location
Year 7 A1 - Ground Floor 
Year 8 A4 - First Floor
Year 9 P5 - First Floor
Year 10 A11 - Second Floor
Year 11 Library - First Floor

This is an excellent opportunity for students to complete homework and to receive support or clarification with any aspect of their set assignments. Students can also use the time to study for upcoming assessments or research and practice revision techniques. As well as improving performance in individual subjects, attendance at Study Club develops positive routines which students can utilise effectively in their journey through their time at Crookhorn College and then in future education.

Support will be available from a member of staff to give guidance to students during the session. Students will go straight to their allocated classroom after their last lesson of the day. We encourage students to make the most of this fantastic opportunity and look forward to them attending on a regular basis.

Please do contact your child’s Head of House if you have any questions about the Study Club via