Supporting Children's Mental Health Week 2024

Following the College's participation in this year's Walktober, we were delighted to receive the news that, of the 177 schools and settings involved, we had a winner for the second year running!
By submitting her winning Challenge Card entry, Year 7 student Bella has scooped herself £15 worth of Love2Shop vouchers, the geography card game 'Mapominoes', and a range of My Journey Hampshire stationery. We presented Bella with her prize in her House assembly this morning, along with the message to all that "you've got to be in it to win it!"
As part of the College's GO WEST strategy for how we look after ourselves (Walking - Eating - Sleeping - Talking), we know that keeping active can help increase self-esteem and improve our mental wellbeing and mood. Very well done to Bella and what perfect timing to be able to present her with her prize at the start of this year's Children's Mental Health Week.
In their PSHRE lesson this morning, another one of our Year 9 groups completed their five week yoga taster programme delivered by our resident yoga instructor and College Governor, Jo Standen.
Yoga is a mind and body practice which can improve core strength, balance and flexibility. It can be a great way to help you to relax, manage stress and sleep better amongst many other potential benefits and we are delighted to be able to offer this experience to so many of our students.
Next half term, Jo will be working with some of our Year 10 students as they return to College following their two week work experience placements. A big thank you to Jo for her ongoing support of the College’s commitment to promoting positive mental health for all.
The theme of Children's Mental Health Week 2024 is 'My Voice Matters' and is about empowering young people to use their voices, share what matters to them, and encourage those around them to hear their voices.
Evidence shows that feeling heard - and that what they say makes a difference - can have a really positive impact on the health and wellbeing of young people, leading to higher levels of self-efficacy and self-esteem. Place2Be wants all children and young people to be able to say - and believe - "My Voice Matters".
In support of this year's theme, watch our video to hear from lots of our students on how their voices matter.
To tie in with this year's Children's Mental Health Week theme of "My Voice Matters", as part of this week's Tutor activities programme, all Tutor Groups have been focusing on naming emotions. The students have been discussing the definitions of 25 different emotions adjectives and then creating scenarios for each of them, considering what might have happened for someone to feel that way.
Having a wide range of vocabulary to be able to understand and express feelings helps young people to better navigate social interactions, communicate effectively and build healthy relationships. Being able to name emotions fosters self-awareness and lays the foundations for emotional regulation, which in turn promotes resilience and mental wellbeing.
Proud to support Children’s Mental Health Week 2024 as part of our ongoing commitment to promoting positive mental health for all.