Students vote for new skirts - The results:
While we have talked with students over a number of years and tried to ensure skirts are appropriate in terms of length, fashion appears to be dictating that the length of skirts are getting shorter rather than longer. As a result of this, the College has made the decision that we need to take the next step and introduce a new style of school skirt which is comfortable, functional and of a reasonable length.
In recent weeks the College has consulted with Governors, staff and students about updating the College uniform, by introducing a new style of skirt that would meet these requirements. Students were given the choice to pick from two new options and cast their vote to which style they would like to wear, via an online survey on Its Learning.
Overwhelmingly the vote has been for a tartan blue pleated skirt (option 2) which students picking over a grey pleated design (option 1).
Student survey results:
Total percentage of students that voted: 98%
Option 1 - grey pleated : 17%
Option 2 - blue tartan pleated: 81%
This new skirt will replace the current grey school skirt from September 2019 for all year groups and will be available to purchase from Skoolkit along with all of the College’s other uniform. An alternative to the skirt for girls are tailored grey school trousers which can be purchased at Skoolkit or alternatively can be purchased online from Price & Buckland for which details will be sent out shortly via Parentmail. We accept that there is a small increased cost for the tartan skirt in comparison to the current grey skirt, hence the option of purchasing a grey school trouser online at a cost similar to that of the current grey skirt.
The College would like to thank you for your continued support in upholding the College Uniform Policy.