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Crookhorn College is committed to delivering a comprehensive programme, which is based on students developing skills in the three key aspects of careers education & guidance and working to achieve The Gatsby Benchmarks:

  • Careers Education & Guidance
    • Self-Development
    • Career Exploration
    • Career Management
  • The Gatsby Benchmarks:
    • A stable careers programme.
    • Learning from career and labour market information.
    • Addressing the needs of each pupil.
    • Linking curriculum learning to careers.
    • Encounters with employers and employees.
    • Experiences of workplaces.
    • Encounters with further and higher education.
    • Personal guidance.

In supporting our students to develop these skills we aim to help them navigate their way through an increasingly diverse range of qualifications both academic and vocational and beyond into an ever changing world of work.

Careers education & guidance at Crookhorn supports and compliments other aspects of the curriculum such as PSHE, citizenship and the curriculum subjects and promotes the value of ‘Life Long Learning’. Students have the opportunity to discuss their career aspirations and the options open to them at key stages of their education during a careers interview with Sue Hall/Julia MacRitchie, Hampshire Careers Advisers.

Through the Work-related Learning & Enterprise education programme students have the opportunity to gain the knowledge, skills and capabilities necessary to succeed in the workplace. This includes work experience placements, enterprise challenges and working with local business volunteers. Work experience is organised internally by the College and the Work Experience Co-ordinator and the Careers Leader liaise closely with students to arrange suitable placements with local employers.

Careers Leader

Mrs Donna Martin



The College continues to develop opportunities at Key Stage 4 for students of all abilities. This includes courses that involve attendance at further education Colleges or training schemes and work experience.

We are committed to ensuring that our students have access to information  about the wide variety of education and training offers available to them post 16  and we actively engage with local colleges, training providers and  employers, to provide opportunities for our students to discuss these pathways in relation to their own aspirations. Hampshire Careers and Employability Service, also play an integral role in the programme, giving our students the opportunity to benefit from a range of experiences in and out of school.

Some of the highlights include:

  • Y7 develop an understanding of aspirations and how to work towards achieving these, including writing future letters to themselves.
  • Y8 spend time preparing for their option choices by considering their personal strengths and interests, decision making skills and careers research.
  • Year 9 Enterprise days where students work with local employers, visit colleges and complete enterprising challenges
  • Year 10 participate in two weeks work experience & visits to local colleges
  • Year 11 attend Mock Interview Day, run with the support of local employers

Through this wide partnership and variety of experiences, students are able to make an informed choice about the options post 16. The ultimate aim being for each young person to choose the right path for them and achieve their full potential.  

Careers Drop-in sessions open to all students in the career’s office at break times.

As a College, we'd like to highlight a number of apps and websites to support awareness of different careers and their paths, which have useful resources available for staff/students/parents and work experience providers. Please click the links below:

sign-up code: JYVGFQ8S

Post 16 Destination Data

We monitor and share our post 16 data to educate current students on the destinations available and support previous students where required. The table below shows a snapshot of our former students in the October of the year they left school.  

Destination 2022 2023
FE College (Including Sixth Form) 150 151
Apprenticeship 5 7
Employment (No training) 6 5
NEET (Not in education, employment or training) 2 2
Other 5 1
Total Leavers



2023 Breakdown of FE Providers

Accolades and recognition

At Crookhorn College we have held the Quality in Careers Award for over 15 years, this award is reassessed every three years. The assesment has recognised our College's careers programme and awarded us the CSW 'Investor in Careers' accolade. The Final IiC reassessment report can be found attached at the bottom of this page. 

Highlights from the latest report:

There are many areas of very good practice concerning the delivery of the CEIAG programme at Crookhorn College, which include:

  • Strong Senior Management and Governor support and a whole College approach to CEIAG.
  • A very committed, well-qualified and well-organised Careers Leader, who engages well with other members of staff to deliver a comprehensive and effective CEIAG programme.
  • An enthusiastic Work Experience Coordinator/Careers Administrator, in a full-time role, who has developed excellent links with local employers.
  • A strong work-related learning programme, which includes a two-week work experience placement for every student in Year 10.  
  • The well planned Mock Interview Day for Year 11, which is very well received by students and employers.
  • The 'in-house' annual Careers Fair which is attended by a range of employers and Further Education and Training Providers.
  • A well-planned FE college taster day for all Year 10 students.
  • A student centred approach to careers work.

The College continues to offer an excellent Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme and the Assessor was unable to identify any areas for development, other than to maintain the high standard set so far.

We welcome any feedback on our programme from students, parents and stakeholders and will share the progress of this assessment once it is completed. 

For organisations who would like to engage with our students please see our Provider Access Policy statement, which is included in our Careers Policy see link below.