Consultation on the proposal for a new Resourced Provision for pupils with Autism (ASC) at Crookhorn College, from September 2025
Crookhorn College and Hampshire County Council would like to hear your views on the proposal to create a new 15 place Resourced Provision for pupils with Autism at Crookhorn College from September 2025.
Children with an autism diagnosis can have difficulties with social interaction, communication and can also have speech and language needs and the school already support a number of children with complex needs associated with autism.
The consultation will run from 30th September to 23rd October 2024.
Why do you need to develop a Resourced Provision for pupils with Autism (ASC) at the school?
Hampshire County Council is committed to developing and maintaining provision, where possible, to meet demand. Currently the need to provide school places for pupils with autism in this area of the County is a priority. Crookhorn College explored with the Local Authority the potential to establish a Resourced Provision at their school.
Why do you need to enlarge the school?
Hampshire County Council is committed to expanding successful provision where possible to meet demand. There is an increased and growing need to provide specialist support for pupils with autism in the Havant borough of the county. This proposal will provide much needed specialist educational accommodation to meet current and future demand.
Crookhorn College is successfully meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and has the site available and leadership expertise to expand to encompass catering for pupils with autism in a safe and secure environment.
What building works will be taking place?
Additional specific classroom space is required as a base for this new Resourced Provision – the school has an established two-storey accommodation block where they currently support pupils with SEN. Two additional classrooms (currently used for humanities), hygiene facilities and office space can be made available in adjacent areas to establish the Resourced Provision - minor works are required which can be undertaken concurrently with a major re-cladding project in 2024/25. To replace these humanities classrooms, a double modular classroom will be installed. Costs include all capital works, IT and fixed furniture and equipment.
These works will allow the School to add a Resourced Provision which will add an additional up to 15 places phased over 3 years from September 2025. The proposed cost of the works is in the region of £500,000. SEN High Needs Provision capital is available to fund these costs.
When will the building works start and how will you ensure the health and safety of pupils attending the school whilst the works are taking place?
It is planned that the building works, to create the facilities at the Crookhorn College site, will be complete for September 2025 alongside the re-cladding project.
Health and safety of children, staff and visitors is paramount. The County Council works with construction partners who have significant experience of working on school sites. A detailed health and safety plan will be drawn up with the school.
What will be the impact on pupils at Crookhorn College?
The pupils who will attend the Resourced Provision will be part of a mainstream class and spend some time each day in the Resourced Provision, for individual and/or small group support. When the pupils are in the mainstream classroom, they will receive additional support to ensure that their needs are met.
This will give the opportunity for Crookhorn College to further enhance their inclusion and wellbeing offer to all pupils as this will positively impact pupils across the school and not just those in the provision. Whilst the pupils admitted into the Resourced Provision will take priority, Crookhorn College will be able to use the facilities that the Resourced Provision has to benefit pupils already at the school and support continuous professional development of staff across the school with training and knowledge being shared by staff within the Resourced Provision across the school.
Will the school receive additional funding due to the numbers increasing?
Crookhorn College will receive additional funding based on the increase in number of pupils on their roll. This will provide the additional staffing and resources required.
What happens after this consultation?
This consultation will run from 30th September to 23rd October 2024. Officers will then consider the consultation responses, received in writing, before deciding whether the proposal should continue to the formal publication stage.
If so, a statutory public notice will be published, setting out the Local Authorities intent to increase the capacity of the school. It is anticipated that this will be published in February 2025. After the date of publication, there will be a four-week period in which any representations can be made.
After the conclusion of this period, the Local Authority will decide whether to proceed with the proposal. It is anticipated that a decision will be made in June 2025.
Will I have the opportunity to discuss the proposal and ask questions?
A drop-in session where you will be able to discuss the proposal will take place on Monday 14th October between 3:30pm and 6pm at Crookhorn College.
If you are unable to email or visit the above website and wish to make a comment then please email or write to:
Claire Campling
SEN Service Manager
Children’s Services
1st Floor, Elizabeth II Court West,
SO23 8UG
All comments must be received by the 23rd October 2024.
How can my views be heard?
We will consider all responses received:
• In person at the drop in date 14th October 3:30pm – 6pm.
• Via e-mail
• Via letter
The closing date for responses is 23 October 2024.