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Exam Information and Results


gcse Results Day, Thursday 22nd August 2024

We look forward to giving the Year 11/10EE students the opportunity to collect their examination results in person. 

Members of the Senior Leadership Team and Heads of House will be on site to give out the results and answer any questions or concerns students may have.

If, for whatever reason, your son/daughter cannot attend on the day, please email (Examinations Officer) before the 21st August to request that their results are posted home. Please be advised that, as the results are published on Thursday 22nd August, it may be some days later that your child’s results arrive by post.

If students wish a friend or parent to collect their results, this request must be made by the student, in writing to before 21st August. The parent/friend must bring the appropriate ID to verify their identity. Requests from parents are not acceptable.  Any results not collected will be posted home.

Details of the appeals process will be available with the results.

We ask that students arrive at the following time slots:

Year 11 – from 10.00am

Year 10 – from 11.00am

Incredible learning ethos leads to incredible results!


Crookhorn College celebrates a P8 score of +0.03. This puts Crookhorn in the top half of performance for similar schools in the country. We finished in the top 20% of schools for our English and maths scores (4+) combined, which is an outstanding performance. Our English students perform half a grade higher than similar students across the country. Disadvantaged students continue to thrive at Crookhorn, with the gap in attainment only -10 points compared to the national average of -12.8. This is a recognition of our hard work to close the gap. 


Another set of fantastic results with an increase in performance for Crookhorn students at the Government’s ‘good’ standards of 9-5 results, with English and maths students showing more progress than the national scores. 5% more students took triple science, which saw them beat the average progress of other students in this extremely challenging curriculum.  

This year we saw improvements in 4 out of the 5 EBacc subjects, with Geography, French, Spanish, and computer science all improving their attainment scores. Our performance with disadvantaged students continues to impress, with our small gap again beating the national average.  


Another record-breaking year of exam results for Crookhorn students which saw an increase in both attainment scores and students gaining both English and maths qualifications from previous years. Again, we finish in the top third of similar schools for the progress students make in both English and maths. All 4 areas (Eng/Maths/Open/Ebaac) improved on last year's results, which shows the strength of our broad and balanced curriculum. The disadvantaged gap continues to be lower than the national score, and again drops from the previous year. The average score for SEN students rises from 1.64 to 2.52 for each grade, showing how our drive to improve the SEN-friendly classroom is working. 


We know it’s boring, but again we finish in the top 35% of the country for students making progress in both English and maths for similar schools, with both subjects finishing with positive progress 8 scores! We smashed our FFT target in 9-4,9-5 and 9-7 as well as gaining our best Attainment 8 score. It was great to see low-attaining and middle-attaining students both beat their FFT target across the board. SEN students went from an average grade of 2.52 last year to 2.9 showing the work we did during COVID has had a positive impact on these groups of students. 


Another strong year of results for Crookhorn College with some excellent areas of strength. This year, 59% of all grades were at 9-4, compared to 57% in the two years before COVID. English continues to perform at the national average and maths was just 2% below. It was great to see the boys perform well in both English and maths, beating the national averages. The open bucket continues to grow, with the average grade improving from 2018 and 2019. Disadvantaged performance dropped below the -10 figure for the first time, smashing the national average and our previous record-breaking scores. Our SEN-friendly classroom initiative continues to bear success, with low attaining students in both the 4+ and 5+ grades continuing to outperform previous cohorts. Attainment 8 scores for these students in 2023 is 28.29 compared to 21.96 in 2019 and 23.09 in 2018. 

Exam Information

The Cohort of 2018-2023 showed how resilient and determined they were to achieve the very best results in their GCSE's. Overall, the % of students achieving a grade 4 or above across the curriculum is the highest we have ever achieved. This is in spite of the fact that they had significant disruption for two years of their education and no concessions allowed by the DfE to help in their exams which the previous cohort had. We saw a good improvement in the English Literature results, which enabled 70% of students to achieve a grade 4+. Indeed, all of our attainment bands saw an improvement in the average grade compared to 2019 and 2018 which is the last time exams were carried on the same basis as the 2023 exams. For example, in maths and science, all attainment bands saw an improvement in the average grade, with high attainers being at least a grade higher than 2019 results. 

Overall, our high attainers are now achieving an average grade of 6+ with a third achieving an average grade of 7+ and this is with two years less time to develop the knowledge and depth required for the higher learning. We also had key subjects where we saw outstanding results. Engineering, for example, was amongst the best in the country with our students achieving two grades higher than the average engineering student elsewhere. Two of our engineering students have gone straight into prestigious apprenticeships at WASP engineering, based on the quality of their knowledge and practical experience. Likewise, Computer Science performed extremely well with 50% of all grades at 7+ with 13% at grade 9.

What all this tells us is that our students at whatever level of attainment are making excellent progress and this is due to the fact that the students are receiving high quality instruction and feedback and, as a result, they enjoy their learning and want to be in College. At a time when attendance across the country is at record lows, we as a College are above the national average.

Please find the link below for access to the Government's comparison webpage. It is important that you read the statement below from the government before comparing schools. This data is also out of date. 

There has been an uneven impact of the pandemic on 2021/22 school, college and multi-academy trust performance data. We recommend:

  • Not making direct comparisons with data from previous years or between schools/colleges or MATs.
  • Discussing with the schools/colleges or MATs factors that may have influenced these results and consider a range of information when forming a view on how well a school or college is doing, including pupil/student population information.

Exam data 2023

Key Point 2018 2023
Contextual data

L= 14.3% 

M= 42.4% 

H= 38.8% 

SEN= 14.3% 

DA= 23.7% 

L= 38.7% 

M= 38% 

H= 23% 

SEN= 28% 

DA= 34%

Total number of Grades 4 and above  57.9% 59%
BASICS 54% 54%
English Lit 9-4 61% 68%
Boys in English   56% against NA of 51%
Boys in Maths   74% against NA of 63%
% of students who did not achieve English or Maths

L= 63% 

M= 23% 





% of DA who did not achieve English or maths 







EBACC A8 11.02 11.23
OPEN A8  12.79 13.09
DA gap - Basics -35% -18%
DA gap A8 -11.30 -9.24
SEN A8 1.64 2.38
Eng SEN 2.24 2.61
Maths SEN 1.57 2.3
EBACC SEN 1 2.14
OPEN SEN 1.94 2.53
LA 23.09 28.29
MA 35.95 41.75
HA 55.45


Exam board by subject 2023/24 

Subject Exam Board 
Art and Design




Business Studies


Catering Studies

WJEC L1/2 Vocational Award



Child Development

OCR (Cambridge National)

Computer Science



WJEC L1/2 Vocational Award



Double Science





WJEC L1/2 Vocational Award

English Language


English Literature


















Religious Studies









Exam revision guides can be purchased at: