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The Governing Body of the College is best described as the group of non-executive directors who determine and secure those statutory policies which are imposed on them and receive other College management policies via the headteacher who is the Chief Executive.  

The Governing Body monitors the implementation of policy via its committees, Visiting Governors etc. Governors who act corporately, in good faith and in the light of best advice will never be vulnerable in law: hence, individual governors have no power to act alone.

Any matters relating to a College policy should be directed in the first instance to the headteacher who will ensure an appropriate member of staff deals with the matter. Student matters should initially be directed to their Head of House for existing students or to Mrs Lorraine Tuff for admissions.

The Governing Body operates in accordance with the College’s Governing Body Handbook, a document which is kept under review and provides the Terms of Reference of each of the Committees, Panels etc. and broadly covers the way the Governing Body works and reports. Minutes of the Governing Body meetings are available from the College on request.

The offices of Chair and Vice-Chair are the subject of annual election each Autumn Term. The Chair of Governors is Cllr. J Branson

Correspondence to the Chair or other members of the Governing Body should be addressed to:

Clerk to the Governors, c/o Crookhorn College. (Please note that the clerk is not a member of the governing body).



Our Governor information:

Governors Name Position
Jackie Branson Local Authority - Governor (Chair of Governors)
Rick Kempster Co-opted - Governor (Vice-Chair of Governors)
Husky Patel Co-opted - Governor
Ian McCormack Co-opted - Governor
Jo Standen Co-opted - Governor
Martin White Co-opted - Governor
Paul Adams Co-opted - Governor
Polly Honeychurch Co-opted - Governor
Vicki Wise Co-opted - Governor
Sara Redding Parent - Governor
Tom Little Parent - Governor
Erich Poole Partnership - Governor
Margo Farmer Partnership - Governor
Chris Armstrong Staff - Governor